Rock kestrel

This species differs from male Lesser Kestrel in having a spotted chestnut back and wings, lacking grey on the secondary coverts and in having the underwing spotted and barred (not silvery white). It differs from Greater Kestrel by its grey head, more rufous colour, smaller size, spotted (not barred) back, and more heavily marked underwing.
Sexes alike except on the tail, where female has narrow dark bars that male lacks. Juvenile differs from female and juvenile Lesser Kestels by being slimmer and darker below, especially on the underwing.
Diverse, but usually in mountainous or rocky terrain.
They are monogamous, territorial and generally solitary. Kestrels use old raptor nests or exposed ledges but do not build their own nests. Incubation is done by the female whilst food is mainly provided by the male.
A high-pitched 'kik-kik-kik'.