Damara dik-dik (or Kirk's dik-dik)

Ram: Shoulder height 38 cm; tail 5 cm; mass 5 kg; average horn length 8 cm
Ewe: Shoulder height 38 cm; tail 5 cm; mass 5 kg
Very small; characterized by having elongated, very mobile nose. Upperparts yellowish-grey with grizzled appearance; neck paler than shoulders and flanks. Underparts white to off-white. Tuft of long hair on forehead is erected when the dik-dik is alarmed or displaying. Rams have short, spike-like horns that slop back at the facial profile
Damara dik-dik shows a strong preference for fairly dense, dry woodland. They penetrate deep into the Namib Desert along riverine woodland. Bush-covered hillsides and adjacent scrub are also occupied.
Usually single, in pairs or in small family parties. Pairs establish communal dung middens within home range. Both nocturnal and diurnal.
Although they are chiefly browsers they do take some grass during the rainy season. They will utilize leaves, pods and flowers knocked down by larger species such as elephant and kudu.
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