Cape weaver

Breeding male may be distinguished from the smaller Yellow Weaver by its heavier bill, less brilliant yellow plumage, white eye and the brown or orange wash over its face. It differs from both Southern Brown-throated and Golden Weavers by its greener back and by the orange wash over the face and forehead. It lacks the well-defined chestnut bib of Southern Brown-throated Weaver, from which it differs further by its pale (not dark) eye.
Male has a pale eye. Female and non-breeding male are olive above. Female and juvenile have brown eyes. The large size and long, pointed bill help to differentiate them from other species.
Grassland and fynbos, often along river courses. Nests communally in reedbeds and trees.
This social bird breeds colonially, often near water. Their nests are an intricate basket weave, oblong kidney-shaped and suspended at the end of a branch. Females will often destroy the nest if they are dissatisfied with the building, and the male has to begin again.
Two to five eggs are laid between July and November and are incubated by the females only. Males are very territorial and colonies are noisy.
A harsh 'azwit, azwit' and swizzling noises.